What we offer

We offer bespoke first aid & safety training courses to organisations, groups and individuals which are a completely custom fit to their specific requirements. Our specialism is in rural, remote and equestrian safety training including First Aid at Work, Emergency First Aid at Work and custom safety training for groups likely to be exposed to specific hazards.

First Aid at Work

Our most comprehensive training package, a full 3-day First Aid at Work training solution, delivered on-site at your choice of location, gives your people a realistic and relevant learning environment in which to undertake their initial, or requalification, in First Aid at Work. This is an unregulated equivalent of a Level 3 FAW qualification.

Our Level 4 trainer/assessors will continuously assess each delegate (max: 12) and those attaining a pass will be issued with a First Aid at Work certificate.

Emergency First Aid at Work

Our one-day course delivering basic first aid skills to your people, in their familiar and relevant environment. This course offers the most basic level of compliance with HSE expectations for the provision of first aid in the workplace.

Our Level 4 trainer/assessors will continuously assess each delegate (max: 12) and those attaining a pass will be issued with a First Aid at Work certificate.

Bespoke First Aid at Work / Emergency First Aid at Work

We offer our standard fist aid courses as detailed here with specific customisations relevant to the following industries:-

* Farming
* Equestrian
* At Heights

We may also be able to tailor a training course to your industry, why not ask?